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A hot dude that loves swimming. Almost EVERY girl falls for him and he is usually a small guy with blonde hair. He enjoys making jokes about others but can sometimes go too far. When he has a crush, he takes it seriously and tries to protect them from other guys. He isn't very strong, but tries to act it in order to impress his idiot friends.

"Oh look, it's Georgina"
"He is such a midget hahaha"

by NotOliwiaMk April 3, 2019


Charlie Is a random dude from your class that randomly touches you like a weirdo. He will probably grow up to be a pedophile and everyone knows it. B stay away from Charlie. He also randomly asks you irrelevant questions like "what's a virgin" and get you really confused.

"Woah is that Charlie?"
"Yas the pedo"

by NotOliwiaMk April 3, 2019