A book that is believed to only be read by hormonal 13 year old girls who don't appreciate literature and think that Edward Cullen is "HAWT". Some would say that this book is cliche and only popular because tweenies are obsessed with Edward. However, this belief is a cliche in itself.
In truth, the writing is not great, the plot is at times bizarre and yes, slightly cliche. But, all those out there that think that every individual who enjoys Twilight is dense or some "misunderstood" tween are quite wrong.The main character Bella is infectious. The books have an endearing simplicity to them.It may not be a deep piece of literature that will go down in history, but why should that matter if a person truly enjoys the books? (And this is coming from someone who loves Jane Austen, JD Salenger, Charles Dickinson, Anthony Burgess, Earnest Hemingway, Ray Bradbury and even JK Rowling)It is a cliche to say these things because there are those, that read the books before the hype and don't just "relate" to the books because of they are lonely teenage "fat chicks"People love to hate Twilight because it shows how non-conformist they are. It's easy to hate something that is popular, it's hard to take constant judgment for liking something because of it's popularity.
"You don't like Twilight do you?"
"Yes, yes I do."
*rolls eyes*
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