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the narrow definition is of someone who trades sex for money.The appropriate definition is of someone who trades sex in the broadest sense for economic gain.The key difference is that the second ,broader definition describes a spectrum;

- money for sex by the act, hour or night
- sugar baby/daddy relationships (sex and arm candy for a retainer)
- mistress ( Sex and arm candy plus conversation and company for living expenses and spending cash)
-trophy wife/husband (arm candy ,sex and company for a good lifestyle)
-trophy wife/partner with child ( hostage taker, no more sex or companionship, But lifestyle guaranteed by marriage or child support/alimony .
-gold digger partner ( sex and devotion first exchanged for lifestyle, then extorted.

these so called sugar babies are just prostitutes

by Notkimk December 5, 2014

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a UK term similar to "White Trash" in the US describing an increasingly large segment of society.Used initially to describe poor people on benefits/welfare trying to "fake" affluence in a vulgar and tacky way, it has evolved to describe all such people independent of income level.

you are a chav if;
- you adopt fashion whether or not it suits you or is appropriate
- you wear too much make up usually trying but failing to hide bad skin
- you have a tramp stamp,are vagazzeled Or have lips injected so you look like a trout
- you wear lots of often orange make up frequently to try and cover up bad skin
-you drive a BMW or Range Rover that you can barely afford,lease and are typically one late payment away from

- You talk about "fine dining" and consider a holiday destination More than 3 hours away "exotic"
- you think fake tans,new tits and logos will make you feel better about yourself.
- your clothes are a couple of sizes too small but your handbag is much too large and with an even bigger logo.
-you think WAGs and Reality TV people are stars

by Notkimk December 3, 2014


typically a woman on the make,someone who will use her sexuality to gain power, money or other benefits in a calculating and mean spirited way.A cunt feels entitled to the goodies,believes the means justify the end and will feel no remorse once she has fucked you over.

once the cunt got pregnant she became the ultimate bitch,spending my money,living her own life and telling me to divorce her if I don't like it

by Notkimk December 7, 2014

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White trash

originally used to Describe poor white people , this phrase has evolved to describe vulgarity in lifestyle and priorities irrespective of economic status.today's white thrash may be "educated"in the sense that they attended college but are ignorant about the world,politics or history,Don't read,have no table manners and think Las Vegas is a classy vacation destination.They need to impress by wearing "brand names",paying money for the privilege of advertising clothing or accessories which they believe are "classy".They lease cars that take up the 30% of their income left over after their mortgage or rent (at least 50%) ,max out their credit cards and make minimum monthly payments,often falling behind on their debt.Saving money is a low priority and "if you can make the payments you can afford it"is the motto.They are unaware or not interested in global issues but know detailed sports statistics (men) and all the gossip aBout so called celebrities (women).Most think David Copperfield is a magician,nEver having heard of the book.Their children are usually their friends, growing up with no boundaries or discipline.Spelling and grammar are typically optional extras for the whole family.

they are such white trash

by Notkimk November 27, 2014

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super chav

members of society across the economic spectrum who embrace behaviors and priorities that are considered vulgar and tacky ;

- personal branding via wearing and carrying as many logos as possible
- embracing fashion in a blind and all encompassing way
-unable to converse about anything but sport (men) or celebs and shopping (women)
-aspire to owning a Range Rover Sport
-Hold rtheir knife like a pencil and their fork as a conversation aid
-vacation only where they can get the food they eat at home
-Think David Copperfield was a magician
-Think the Ecclestone sisters and Cheryl Cole are posh
-Beleive the Cold War was only fought in winter.

The Ecclestones and Beckhams are competing for the super chavs of the year trophy

by Notkimk December 5, 2014

Middle class

This term refers to a demographic group but it's definition differs from country to country.In the US this group includes the vast majority of Americans,"( All Americans not on welfare or members of a tiny upper class).In Western Europe this group is essentially made up of white collar and professional individuals.The shrinking middle class in the US has resulted primarily from falling employment amongst blue collar workers who are considered working class in other countries but middle class in the US.

Middle class jobs are disappearing from the US

by Notkimk November 28, 2014

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