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Things that most people have which stop people from doing things that either:
1) are mean or unfair to other people or
2) have been outlawed by a higher power, such as the police or God, usually for the protection of others' health or rights.

Morals do not have a physical form, although some "codes of conduct" attempt to represent them.

Guy #1: Let's go steal some wallets!
Guy #2: But that's not fair to the people who own the wallets! You have such bad morals!

by Nottel Inyu July 12, 2009

250πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Car Disco

Driving some cars to an open space, opening all your windows/doors, switching on headlights/indicators, turning up the radio and dancing along to the synchronised beat outside at night.

Guy Number 1: I'm bored, man, what shall we do?
Guy Number 2: Let's go pick up Steve and have a car disco.
Guy Number 1: Fuck yeah, Radio 1 or 2?

by Nottel Inyu June 5, 2009


Proper Computer, i.e. not a smartphone - a desktop or laptop computer. Includes all desktop operating systems.

Guy #1: Let's play some games on my PC.
Guy #2: I thought you had a Mac though?
Guy #1: Just because it's not running Windows, doesn't mean it's not a PC.

by Nottel Inyu August 6, 2018

car aerobics

Prolonged, organised movement carried out in a car, usually restricted to the arms and head. Dancing to the YMCA or other such party dances are accepted routines for car aerobics.

Car aerobics are usually carried out in a moving car and is an accepted form of exercise.

If multiple people are doing the same car aerobics routine at the same time, this is called synchronised car aerobics, which is both an art and a skill.

Guy #1: Hey, wanna come back to mine and play some Fifa?
Guy #2: Nah, I'm not really into that. I'd rather do some car aerobics on my way home.
Guy #1: I wish I was as motivated to exercise as you.

by Nottel Inyu August 17, 2009

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Car Sauna

A game of endurance between 2 or more people, only playable on a hot day.

To play, park your car and, with the engine still running, turn the air conditioning off, wind up the windows and turn the heater onto full power. All the players must sit in the car for as long as they can take it. The first to get out of the car loses.

For added tension, bring a thermometer.

Guy #1: It's so hot and humid... This fan isn't even helping.
Guy #2: Perfect conditions for a game of Car Sauna!

by Nottel Inyu July 13, 2009


A conversation simulated in your head. Usually never happens in real life, is had for hypothetical purposes.

Headconvos present the opportunity for you to decide someone else's responses.

Guy #1: So what time do you want picking up tomorrow?
Guy #2: What for, are we going somewhere?
Guy #1: Yeah to th- wait, I asked you about it in a headconvo. Uh... You wanna go to the game tomorrow?
Guy #2: Um... Sure...?

by Nottel Inyu April 25, 2010

a couple of

Quantification for more than 1 and less than 3 of something.

Around 2.

For 3 or more, see few.

Guy #1: It's going to take me a couple of months to finish this painting for you.

~10 weeks later~

Guy #1: Here's your painting!
Guy #2: Thank you, I have no issues with the delivery time of this painting.

by Nottel Inyu January 31, 2012

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž