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I love you

1. The phrase that a person may say to be romantic, but should only be used if it is the truth, and if they really know you and trust you long enough to sum it all in a loving way, then these three words shall come in handy.

"I love you , and if you doubt that I do, take a minute to think how long I've known you and kept you in my life, and how I trusted you with all of my secrets."
"I love you too, and you make a good point. Now I know that everything is truly serious between us."

by NovaMonkey October 9, 2018

4👍 9👎


Cruel and unusual life-ruining torture. See: Prison

"School is just a cruel and unusual life-ruining torture, and I'm failing every class except for lunch."

by NovaMonkey January 21, 2019