A Brony is any fan of the animated television series, My little pony. This word mostly applies to anyone outside of the shows age and/or gender grouping. Bronies come in all sexual preferences and are actually sorted through multiple subcategories
-hipster bronies: these bronies are supposed to have watched the show during its first airing in season 1 of gen 4, or before that.
Creatives: Any musician, Artist, story writer, animator, or fane designer who is a member of the community falls under here. Regardless if they create pony related items.
Obsessive: This class of Brony is not all that bad. They often speak about the show to try and get others to watch, but will remain silent if asked politely.
Cloppers: these are fans that is one half of the reason people dissaprove of bronies. They enjoy the...uh.... More adult of the Internet and are commonly known for their.... Expressive enjoyment of the show.
Radical bronies/ Brony Nazi's: these are the other half of the reason people dispise the bronies, these are the bronies that get on the nerve of other bronies. Often trying to shove pony related material down people's throats and meet any aggression with fire and brimstone. Trust me, no Brony likes these fuckers either.
Anti-Brony: these are guys who hate the show and everything it has made with a fiery passion. They are often just trolls wanting to mess with others. But some have serious hatred for the show and its fans.
" I never knew Ryan was a Brony. Don't you think he is a bit old for that stuff? "
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