The genderneutral Term for a Mary Sue or Gary Stu, named after the Film Director Rian Johnson. An idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character. Often, this character is recognized as an authors insert or wish fulfillment.
They can usually perform better at tasks than should be possible given the amount of training or experience, and usually are able through some means to upstage the main protagonist of an established fictional setting, such as by saving the hero.
This Character is completely Johnsoned
Rey is a Johnson
A gender neutral Term for a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.
This describes a Character in Movies, Fiction or Games, which shows the Creators ideal mostly of himself.
Characters like this are mostly overpowered, like a Gamecheat or havn't any real Problems to solve. They are imidiatly accepted and loved by everyone and gain everything with nearly no effort an/or no reason.
This is a ruined Johnson!
This Character is a runined Johnson