Source Code

Penal Queef

When a man has a moist queef out of his dick.

“She was giving me brain and i had a penal queef in her mouth. She said it tasted like Feta Cheese

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020


Instead of WAP (wet as pussy) WAB is a wet ass butthole.

“Oh my god, he fucked me in my WAB”

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020

Anal Fade

When you spread your ass cheeks and the barber gives your asshole a FRESH Fade.

“The barber accidentally cut my asshole while giving me an Anal Fade, but it looks Fresh As Hell!”

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020


The homie who is always there for u and is cool asf.

“My homie Kalima is the best”

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020

Bubby Stogas

A big brown dog named Stogas who is the bestest bubbay.

“My bubby stogas has an IQ of 800.”

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020

Ball Fade

When the homie gives you a FRESH Fade on your balls.

“Yoo i just got a Ball Fade and its Fresh ASF”

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020


Someone who is your homie and is one of the boys.

“Fwank is my Bubbay”

by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020