... and underneath you'll find the second-rate Genghis Khan. This tradition involves violence, cruelty, and lying from the Mongols. Such a state will inevitably become thoroughly corrupt, violent, paranoid, technologically and socially backward, but the Russkies donât care 'cause they have lived all their lives in authoritarian shithole, i. e. those ignorant tools simply cannot even think of any other model of government.
If Joseph Goebbels were alive, he would be jealous of how well vatniks are saturated with propaganda and the majority of them are jingoistic Putin followers. Sure, anyone can listen to this Führer and his Reichsminister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov's statements as long as you keep in mind that 90% are lies and 10% exaggerations - perhaps they all live in a parallel universe as sovoks did in Soviet times.
Putinstan's attack on Ukraine has shown that the war has been proven to be a clusterfuck, they have failed on many levels. Vladolf Putler's dream is to restore that shithole to true superpower, the dream might come true when he is at a respectable age of 120.
A watched pot never boils, therefore Putler's military has adopted once again the good old Mongol tactics; massacres of civilians, tortures and rapes. Like their Asiatic ancestors, they are destroying all infrastructure such as water supply, granaries, hospitals etc. etc., and schools especially if there happen to be children, those future Nazis are a potential threat to Putinstan.
Scratch the Russian and underneath you'll find the second-rate Genghis Khan - more than 250 years enslavered by Mongols has its effects.
2185👍 46👎
The Soviet regimes had a manic need to display the countryâs excellence to the world and especially for their own sovoks, whether the reason was the Slavic inferiority complex or whatever, for the civilized world their efforts were tragicomical, in reality it was a mere developing country with a nuclear weapon (due to the help of Western commies) and today's successor, Putinstan is basically unchanged with the same mindset.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Mikhail Kalashnikov also began to believe in this Soviet myth about himself as a creator of the AK 47, the quote is allegedly from Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda in the Third Reich.
Immediately after the war, the Soviets began hunting experts in various fields from Germany for forced labor into the Soviet Union, among these thousands was also a weapon designer Hugo Schmeisser and his 15-member team and 500 other German gunsmiths, metallurgists and scientists. HS had developed the world's first usable assault rifle, the Strumgevehr 44. Kalashnikov denied having met Schmeisser ever (in the town of Izhmash), but at least once in a weak moment in an interview in 2009 he said he had "collaborated" with him - this is the good ol' Homo Sovieticus' hero-making method; talents develop a product, but the glory goes to the own peasant. Schmeisser was allowed to return to the "liberated" part of Germany in 1952 only to die the following year.
When the pompous Mikhail Kalashnikov statue was unveiled in Moscow 2017, at the same time, in a way, the real designer of the AK 47 was also unveiled, but only for a moment... The sculptor had blundered by depicting Schmeisser's designed StG 44 and its parts on the pedestal of the statue - an angle grinder was found and soon this embarrassing reminder of honest historiography was removed.
2342👍 49👎
This is more realistic slogan than the Black Lies Matter activist movement's "hands up, don't shoot" where at around the same time videos and pictures taken from Ferguson riots show shops looting blacks with sagging pants and underwears visible.
- The "pants up, don't loot" slogan will soon become outdated when they start following their African tradition.
- Their African tradition?
- You know, no pants, no underpants either, just big ostrich plumes sticking out of their ass cracks.
1448👍 11👎
It's tricky to name just one Norwegian national hero of all time, the country is full of them. WWII alone made them a heroic nation 'cause it's the country that lasted longer than cheese eating surrender monkeys who lasted 42 days instead of 62!
They are also a sporty nation whose popular heroes can be found at the cross-country skiing scene - nothing is more Norwegian than a bunch of asthmatic cross-country skiers in the woods with icy snot, or nothing is as erotic (from a man's POV) as in the mass start competition of women's skate skiing on an uphill route; a queue of heavily panting women in a wide crotch position.
One of the quietest national heroes must be the cod who fought against German occupiers in the resistance movement.
Writer Knut Hamsun was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920 and definitely one of Norwayâs national heroes, his breakthrough work was "Hunger." He was also known as an avid fisherman but he became unpopular right after the War at an older age when he accidentally caught the aforementioned resistance cod by using a heavy duty rod and a braided line - he could've released the hero fish but Knut was too hungry for it...
The icing on the cake is, of course, Vidkun Quisling who was the Führer of Norway from 1942 to -45 until he died suddenly of acute complications from nickel allergy and lead poisoning.
The Norwegian national hero of all time must be OIL because they tend to say all of sudden: "We've got oil." Perhaps this is a self-esteem thing 'cause they know that without oil they would be mere stranglers of cod.
2217👍 54👎
In August 2025 it'll be 80 years since these two Japanese dairy cows began to be exploited, i.e. to whiten Japan's notorious history from early 1930s to 1945 â and once again the majority of the international media fail to put these cows, Hiroshima ð® and Nagasaki ð® into any kind of historic context. So let's put things into perspective; ca. 250,000 Japanese died from the two atomic bombs. Just for the record, Japan's acts killed tens of million people, no one knows the exact number and the Japanese themselves have a national amnesia about this matter.
The Japanese emphasize and portray themselves as victims regarding the end of WWII. Actually those bombs were a blessing to them and hence they could begun their self-deception by considering themselves as if they were the only victims in Asia and the Pacific Theater though they were the worst butchers of the era worldwide.
So when the global media recall once again the anniversary of the dropping of a-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and cry for those 250k victims, meanwhile memories fade away of the Pacific War and Japan's genocidal campaign in China that alone killed over 20 million people by using unspeakable brutality, just recall Nanjing in China (Nanking at the time), or the Unit 731 in Manchuria and its human experiments etc., you name it â considering the anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and recalling what the Imperial Japanese Army did, then this anniversary feels like a sick and hypocritical phenomenon.
A biological miracle; two Japanese dairy cows have been milked for decades.
Mustafa Camel Analtürk is the national hero of the Turks and the founder of the Republic of Turkey without forgetting his tireless efforts in humanitarian work when the Ottoman Empire was already in decline, for instance he took good care of Assyrians and Greeks and of course, nullified the Armenian genocide trials right from the start because no such a thing had ever happened, it was just a lamentable misunderstanding due to the fact that every year the turkey as a species suffers genocide just before Thanksgiving because of murderous infidels - just ask another honest humanist Reset Kebab ErdoÄan about it, he knows that it wasn't the first large-scale genocide in the 20th century as foreigners falsely claim, or like journalist Hrant Dink claimed, also the majority of Turks know this truth but unfortunately ignorant foreigners do not.
"Mustafa Camel Analtürk is the national hero of the Turks and the founder of the Republic of Turkey."
2288👍 48👎
On December 13, it'll be 86 years since the Japanese Imperial Army began their six-week blood orgies in Nanjing 1937 by slaughtering 300,000 Chinese civilians â 250,000 Japanese atomic bomb victims are almost a humane act by comparison. In total, the Japanese killed over 20 million Chinese alone without talking about Japs' other millions victims in the Pacific Theater. So remember these facts when you're whining about those two a-boms.
The Nanjing Anniversary is not a popular subject in Japan.