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1 a mixture of slow, law, and tearing up

with a deep hurting feeling.
2 the act of ripping a letter on someone's face to probe a point.
3 ripping a contract, notarized paper of an agreement to show discontentment.

1 She did the slawtearing after we broke up.
2 with no words what so ever he showed his emotions by slawtearing our contract.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS October 18, 2017


1- a self explanatory word to discribe a ccover from the past to uncover the appearance of a myth.

2- a variation of words fuse as a mathematical equation to describe a faith of a walk from the prehistoric time of education as we know.
3- vel-in-tri-call. Vel in the past, the present,and the future to come, as the father, the son, and the unborn child,(as an spirit antety)

1-I like the word velintricall because it discribe a call of union between faiths, myth, and the homosephian's reality of a family.
2- velintricall is the process of a blinded procreation of faith in a holly trinity.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS September 12, 2018


get up and get high acronym's

Get up and get high had a baby they name it G-up

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS October 18, 2017


1- A made up word derived from confusion.
2- A way to simplify the meaning of a being bullied down by a female figure with the purpose of teaching.

Me- do you think cuntfusion will transform the attitude of anyone.
you- trust we learn even my dog seems to be less aggressive.
Me- hahaha true that instead growing confidence it fired back on me.
You- hahaha being cuntfused is better than feeling confused to much misunderstanding all around.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS January 19, 2020


1- A word made up to unify a temporary mental deficit caused by a superficial stress from lack of tuth in education.
2- A made up word fused and derived from conclusions, clue and syndrome.

Yo- What's new out there.
Me- Not much just the same oh Concluedrome as always.
Yo- Concluedrome? Are you messing with my head.
Me- hahaha those are the symptoms alright.
Yo- Good one I'll get you next time.
Me- You asked for it hahahah, bye now.

by OD CUB EYE OS YOUR IAS January 31, 2020