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Smacking the jauga

A slang term for masturbating while in your sleep or when extremely tired. It is natural and done without thinking. A jauga is a large, usually circumcised penis.

Man, last night my mom walked in on me while I was smacking the jauga! I didn't even know I was doing it!

by OG Squad Defines November 22, 2016

Fat jaunt

Term used to describe a large and veluptuous bottom. Usually used when talking about females. However, the term may be used with men, but a mandatory "no homo" must be added to the phrase.

"Damn, that girl has a fat jaunt! I'd smash for sure!"

"You see that dude over there, he has a fat jaunt. No homo though."

by OG Squad Defines November 18, 2016


Balls. Testicles. Nuts. The spherical jaunts under your dick. Used when someone's trippin.

Bro you're trippin calhones right now, are you good?

by OG Squad Defines November 14, 2016