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A neurotypical (NT) word that describes a group of people that are not able (nor interested at times) to conform to behaviours like :

- overvaluing eye contact by judging others on their ability / inability to do so.
- engaging in small talk
- not taking things literally
-speaking for the sake of speaking

It is a also a neurotypical (NT) word describing a segment of the disable community, those with mental illness and those who are unable to help themselves and therefor require not just assistance but direction.

Autism refers to a Spectrum of people which in reality has referred to mainly extroverted Autistics (those they can observe readily).

As much as Autistic encompasses "high functioning" Autistics and "Aspergians", NTs exercise the use of this word to mostly regard "lower functioning".

The use of the term Autistic is usually used in NT circles including 'experts, parents and service providers' only to leave out the very people they claim to be trying to help.

Autistic means to be seen as less than, dumb, incapable, foolish, naive.

"I'm Autistic"
"Um, you don't seem autistic. You seem fine to me. You make eye contact. You are reasonably expressive. Nothing's wrong with you"

"You're Autistic. I'm sorry your Autism has made things so hard for you"
"Um, I didn't say that".

by OK THERE.... April 26, 2010

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