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1) A panda is a black person that dresses, talks, and/or acts white and loves Asian things, e.g. manga, anime, etc.

2) A panda is a white person that dresses, talks, and/or acts black and loves Asian things, e.g. manga, anime, etc.

3) A lazy person that much like a panda is too lazy to have sex and just eats instead.

4) A social event not focused in search for sexual conquest but instead to consume giant amounts of alcohol. In other words getting shammered.

1) Andre: Last night? I was was folding cloths while watching Naruto.

Deon: Panda.

2) Justin: Yo dawg you catch that bleach marathon on A.S. last night?

Bill : You're such a panda, dude.

3) Jenny: You want to have sex?

Jim: Nah. I just made tacos.

Jenny: Fucking panda!

4) Oh shit! This party is so panda.

by OMFGPANDA September 10, 2010

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