Verb: When a Premier (typically from Alberta) does the un-important things badly, and then neglects to do any of the important things at all.
Credit: @HollyHoye
Person A: "Premier Smith phoned a film production company to make them change their policies on vaccination."
Person B: "Aren't children's hospitals overrun? What is she doing about that?"
Person A: "This is a classic case of Albertassment."
Person B: "I want out of this province."
1) Verb: The process of bottlenecking a door or passage in a game, thus screwing the turn economy of allies.
2) Verb: When Elle won't bounce on Steve's long & thin dick.
3) Noun: (Fuck Block-er) Someone or something that regularly causes Fuck Blocking to occur.
1) "Darius is Fuck Blocking the door to the next room! My character is useless now!"
2) "Goddamnit Steve, your dick is too long & thin"
3) "Steve's dick is such a Fuck Blocker, he doesn't even know. Ask his wife."
1) Someone who sees a tragedy, and uses it for their own political motivations.
2) The result of years of pent up aggression because your guy lost to the guy you hate over multiple elections.
3) The antithesis of Tiffalicious.
4) See also Deludabaga.
"Did you see how Christy was politicizing peoples' lives being destroyed in a fire?"
"Yeah, she's definitely a Blank4Change type."
A woman who is bad-ass enough to be painted on the side of a Bomber.
How 'bout this girl to paint on the side of the B-52?
Hell no Bob, she is not anywhere near Tiffalicious enough to grace the side of the Hornet.
How's about Her?
A person so deluded by rhetoric and Facebook memes shared in groups, they've functionally become vegetables making their deluded opinions on social media their whole lives.
The deludabaga has discovered my mocking of their beloved politician and are harassing me non-stop.