1. (adj.) gross, grosser, ghrost (aka most gross). Ghrost is the epitome of gross. Usually uttered with a shudder.
2. (n.) A gross ghost.
see T
1. This is the ghrost. Grosser than gross, grosser than grosser, the grossest... the ghrost!
2. I think my house is haunted by a ghrost! Plates are flying everywhere, my Metallica records are missing, and my bathroom smells like old mouthwash!
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1. A prank that tests one's friendship to the absolute limit without actually destroying said friendship. In reality, it strengthens it. Occurs before a post-gauge.
"I was going to kill my friend after he told my mom that I was on acid, but now that I think about it, that was a really good pre-gauge."
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A coincidental incident. An instance or happening of remarkable and even astounding randomness. An unexpected or ironic event.
"Our trip was made even more interesting by the occurrence of several unforeseen incidinces."
1. (noun) the buckling strap that connects the left- and right-shoulder straps on a backpack.
He strode confidently into class, purposefully unbuckling his nerd seatbelt with one hand.
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Incredibly ridiculous. Out of the ordinary. Stupefying and odd.
All of the words that you may think are indiculous now, tomorrow may be cromulent.
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1. (noun) After a pre-gauge, the gauged and the guager get together and discuss the friendship-threatening prank and discussed what we learned from it.
"I was crying my eyes out during the post-gauge... who knew that I would learn so much about myself by having my best friend drive my car into the lake!"
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