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(n) A cringe ass girl who constantly roleplays her entire life away and would probably have sexual intercourse with 50 furries from Krypton. Not to mention, they’re anime furries.

(v) to latch onto an anime otter’s nose and violently fuck them while masturbating to loli anime furries

(adj) the characteristic of having a strong desire to jerk off the massive 10 foot penis of 7 blue loli furry anime otters that are all simultaneously singing kumbaya

Person 1: “Did you see that girl who continuously roleplays with furries while masturbating to Superman?”
Person 2: “Oh yeah, she’s such an Oasis”

That person always dreams of oasising otters.

Those anime otters are displaying Oasis tendencies. It’s scary.

by Oasistheblueloliotterfurry April 26, 2018