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A religion created by Muhammad 1400 years ago. Muhammad is a prophet of Islam, although many people say that Adam was the first prophet. Last of the three Abrahamic faiths. Means "submission" in Arabic.

Currently undergoing a period of media scrutiny and is being ravaged by terrorists, extremists and Islam haters.

The Quran is the holy text, while the Hadith is the collection of saying from Muhammad and close friends.

Islam is a good religion, however it must undergo a reform and Muslims must learn to be tolerant of other cultures, religions, beliefs and ways of life of other people. Islam does not always have a good record when it comes to this, and Muslims often do not live in harmony with different people. Take current examples of Philippines, Thailand, Iraq, Pakistan and Africa for example.

We are seeing a new wave of reformist Muslims coming along in Islam. Hopefully this will be the change we need to secure a more peaceful world.

by Obamaistheman643 October 1, 2009

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