the daring to do great things; the quintessential trait of a very adventurous people
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had the Caudacity to go to the Moon.
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Pink pussy hat wearers
History Remembered: Trump and the Locker Room Ladies
In an infamous Access Hollywood hot mic moment, Trump expressed his amazement and dismay with the type of women that will allow famous men to fondle them just because they're famous. This criticism did not sit well with what we'll call "the locker room ladies" who in protest chose to strap on pink ski hats intended to resemble female anatomy so as to say we'll use our female anatomy however we want thank you very much and how dare you even comment on our behavior. To show just how serious they were, they then proceeded to vote for history's most famous fondler in the 2020 election. This has been history remembered.
The influential American Jewry's agreement to trick the US populace into WWI in exchange for Britain giving Palestine to the Zionists (Balfour Declaration). This resulted in the destruction of Germany and WWII.
The Big Treason shaped the modern world more than any other event of the last 150 years.
Oh my gawd, a frackin Twitter socialist just told me praise to the landlord and keel whytie. What the f*** is going on?!
A Republican who hates white people.
No longer content with just bombing little brown kids around the globe, the Democrats' insatiable bloodlust caused them to launch a war against white children domestically.
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Where will the AP go now that Trump forced the shut down of Jeffrey Epstein's Island???
stratospheric aerosol injection
Although chemtrails can be used to deflect sunlight and potentially lower temperatures, the pollution they cause is a direct threat to life on Earth.