Woke individuals that are actually "broke" individuals, not monetarily, but philosophically. These are the working class people that think that just because they put the pieces together, they invented the concept or idea. These individuals think that "Their non-material, non-profit worlds are realms where rivers run with milk and coffee, where wine spurts from rocks at their command, where pastry drops on them from clouds at the price of opening their mouth." ~AR. These are the individuals that are woke and racist, who also don't realize that Karl Marx was a profound racist. They chastise others for being racists, but never took the time to realize they were supporting one of the most racist philosophers of our time. Not only did he get his economics wrong, he bungled his Metaphysics, his Epistemology, Ethics, and his Collectivistic politics. These Proletards never even venture into Aesthetics, they just LARP at any attempt.
Wow bro, voting for Bernie or the Left is the make Proletards. Don't be the guy that thinks one individuals rights can Trump another individuals rights. It's like saying that everyone has a right to universal healthcare, but in the process, some individuals rights supersede other individuals rights and make some individuals slaves to your pretend rights. Wow, what a contradiction in terms, what a disgusting waste of flesh.
Shen a select group of people that are in charge because they used the initiation of force to brutalize people into submission pretend to know things they could never know or understand, or trick stupid people into voting them into power.
Socialism suck because it doesn't work in reality.
A mask you wear when you are fully vaccinated and yet the idiots that pretend to know things they couldn't know demand you wear something over your face but you just don't want to. It's a face diaper that says "fuck you" to the establishment that doesn't care about the actual science and pretends like they know what's best for everyone based on the political chatter of political asshats that happen to be in charge at the moment.
You can't wear a "Spit Gaiter" here, we trust the people in power that flip flop on when, why, where, and how to wearing a mask. "Spit Gaiters" are for vaccinated people that are over Covid-19, how dare they exhibit the desire to go back to normal! I can see your face through your "spit gaiter", that means you don't care about Covid-19.
Communism, the system people suffer through as a result of rejecting Capitalism for no good reason. Communism, the system that idiot people install and regret after destroying Capitalism as a result of receiving a terrible "free" education. The utopia that everyone wants in their dreams, but always wakes and recognizes as a nightmare. The anti-concept that leads to the opposite of freedom and prosperity. The bane on existence that is deconstructing our American schools and attempting to replace freedom with "wokness". The Ideology that is badly attempting to indoctrinate Individualist telling them that objectivity is fake while depending on objectivity to concertize their position. The worst ideology to have ever been practiced by humans.
Communism died when multiple different countries tried to implement it and millions of Individuals died for no go reason. Communism, the manual of how to kill innocent people because you value equity over equality. Communism, the other word for malignant cancer. Communism, the concept mean little people try to sell you to become mean big people with the ability to sentence you to death because you dare to think for yourself.
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