Source Code


Where dreams go to die.

The Rise and Fall of Suburbia in 2 Sentences -

Earth's suburbs are so large that I can see them from the moon said Papa Space Alien. It's too bad the humans will destroy their planet like we destroyed ours at the rate they're building those things now said Space Alien Jr.

by Octo Kitten May 30, 2013

15👍 2👎


Short name for a source code repository. A source code repository is a place where large amounts of source code can be stored, either publicly or privately.

Example 1: I have a programming project due in class tomorrow morning and need to fork your repo since I'm too tired to do it tonight.

Example 2: If my repo gets 400,000 forks in less than one hour I'll be internet famous. Yipee!!!

by Octo Kitten November 16, 2013

48👍 10👎