1. Annoyed that SJWs and political correctness are becoming ridiculously dominant in society, anti-SJWs find their oversensitivity to perceived racism/sexism, their resulting overreactions and ever-changing euphemisms to be tiresome.
2. Living proof that people who fight monsters can become monsters themselves, anti-SJWs are people who have become so immersed in their perpetual battle against SJWs that they themselves have become equally prone to knee-jerk overreactions. They can't watch a movie or even a trailer without somehow making it about their conflict; whatever they're doing, if there is a way to make it about political correctness and their fight against it, they will find it. Many also defend racism and sexism by dismissing legitimate objections as political correctness. They imagine the entire world to be the part of their "war" against SJWs, so it is useless to suggest that they are going too far - they will simply accuse you of being an SJW trying to bring them down and control them because....reasons.
3. Racists and bigots who opportunistically jump onto the anti-SJW bandwagon as a way to gain supporters and justify their behaviour.
1. Look, I'm all for supporting handicapped people, but calling them "differently-abled" seems a bit overboard, don't you think? I get that sexism is a legitimate problem, but the movie poster is just a poster promoting a movie, it's not saying men are better than women. What am I supposed to call black people who are neither African nor American? Some SJWs may have good intentions, but I can't help but feel more anti-SJW at this point.
2. Look! This movie has a black lead! That's obviously SJW propaganda! Hey, this female character is slightly more competent in a certain field than the male character? She is clearly a damn Mary Sue! How dare they! Enough with this politically correct nonsense! Just a movie? It's not just a movie, it's obvious SJW propaganda! I'm not overreacting! SJWs are everywhere...what? Anti-SJW? Stop calling me names! You are just an SJW who wants to censor everything! It can't be because I'm becoming the very thing I'm fighting! You nigger! What? Racist? Hate speech is wrong? Hah! I knew you were secretly an SJW! EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD IS PART OF OUR WAR! IF YOU'RE NOT RACIST OR SEXIST, THEN YOU ARE A POLITICALLY CORRECT SJW!
3. Hey, have you heard about this group called anti-SJWs? It's awesome, now I can be as racist and sexist as I like; if anyone stops me, all I have to do is complain about SJWs and political correctness, and hordes of people will swarm in to defend me!
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