People who reside in citys that have no ability to think, plan, survive without the aid of others.
The cityots will be the first to perish when a food crisis occurs.
People who have embraced the science, prospective, retrospective studies, case reports and third world medicine and determined that Ivermectin has profound antiviral properties
Ivermectarians in India have saved millions of people who would have died from sars-Covid-19 if they had not utilized a potent, low cost anti viral/ parasitic to treat their denizins
Halishitosis is an extreme form of halitosis caused by poor dental hygiene, decay, oral putrescence that creates intolerable odors that smell fecal in origin.
That meth head has the worst case of halishitosis that even his meth buddies wonât get near him.
An adult male whose penis childlike in size and shape
His friends laughed him out of the locker room because of his peniatric condition.
When a family member or relative destroys, annhilates, humiliates another family member in a game, argument, discussion for no other reason than to crush the personâs spirit
I was playing my brother in chess and he literally murdaughded me in five moves
The belief system that is embraced by persons who erroneously believe that the policies promoted by ideologues, bureaucrats and politicians will ultimately free them when in fact they will only become more enslaved .
Those people are sadly giving up their freedom for the freedumb promised by the elitocracy.
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A person who believes that despite any contrary evidence that wearing a shield over oneâs face will prevent the spread or contraction of any and all airborne ilnesses
A person driving alone in a car wearing a mask is clearly a maskist.
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