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Vclarp is Vclarp. I recommend getting Vclarped.

Did you hear that Jonathon Vclarped to a mechanical pencil?!? I Vclarp every Wednesday.

by OfficialGary. August 21, 2021


A word that smart people use when they don’t know what to say. It expresses a lot of emotion.

-“My dad died”
-“I just got the promotion”
-“I like coconuts”

by OfficialGary. August 23, 2021


despite its name (which may lead you to believe this is a village), areville is country in which everyone speaks are
it’s really cool

i could only dream of having my honey moon in areville

by OfficialGary. November 7, 2021

Lampshade head birth

When a bitch give birth to an ugly baby that has a lampshade on its head. The baby can either be born with a lampshade on its head, or it could be placed on its head after the birth to hide the baby’s ugly face because it was too ugly for the world to see.

“Oh you’re a doctor? Omg have you ever seen a Lampshade Head Birth?!?”

“Oh did you hear she was a Lampshade Head Birth!?”
“Ha, you look like a Lampshade Head Birth!!”

by OfficialGary. August 22, 2021


A medical condition where one is too tall at a young age or has unrealistic proportions. Usually results in serious injury or death. You tend to grow rapidly (perhaps in just one part of your body) and your bones and muscles will fall apart and you will probably die.

“Did you hear he said he’s 6’9” and only 11 years old?!?”

“Yeah he probably has Scorpininosis”
“Oh man, that sucks, he’ll probably die tomorrow”

by OfficialGary. September 1, 2021


“are” (popularly used language around the world) for the word “words”

a arre re aare ares
I know so many words

by OfficialGary. November 7, 2021


unspokenly the best word in the english language
honestly could be it’s own language
should be it’s own language
is it’s own language

i am are sure are like you feet boy

by OfficialGary. November 7, 2021