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Drace is same as baiter in gaming community.

Person you lets his teammates die to get frags. But usually a baiter re-frag , but not a drace he just let you die and dies aswell.

You can find more Spanish , France and Portuguese people use this expression but more and more people and starting using it

Resume : drace is baiter

Baiter get kils after Bait

drace bait and lets teammates die for no reason.

You can find this reference on " Counter Strike series " and " League Of Legends"

Why are you dracing me?
Why did you drace ?
Again ? Dracer!

I can't believe you drace me last round !!

by Officialfreecs April 22, 2021


We can call drace a person who bait someone in a game.
Caling someone drace is same calling him baiter

Hey Stop draceing me .
Why im going to enter bombsite first? Stop drace please

by Officialfreecs April 21, 2021