Oh my Knob is a phrase taken from timed where the school would not let you curse openly. The prase its self is a classin word play of "oh my god" but 'God' is replaced with Life 'Knob' to not break that sacred 3rd amendment. 'Knob' is a slag word for dick which id a word that would not be allowed on school grounds except for lil richard. So what your really saying is "OH MY DICK" but with a clean word for dick.
"Hey billy do your math homework?"
"Oh my knob i forgot!"
Gay lettuce is the term given to some one when they fall for a trap without knowing they are a trap
Oh Evan did you just call Baire White hot? You Gay Lettuce
When a man cums during anal where the female is "face down ass up" causing the ass hole too ooze cum down her peranium and into the vagina. The motion of the cum looks like that if spilled milk. This then leads to pregnancy and eventually the birth of a spilled milk baby. Spilled milk babys tend to have an incredible ass but a less then average face, just like anyone "face down ass up" like there mother.
Hey Ellie, why do you look like a rat but still have an amazing ass?
It's cause I'm a spilled milk baby
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