Amber is a lovley person and is really funny and is the most sexiest traffic light you will meet. If you have an amber in your life dont lose her she is probably the best person you will meet she will always make you laugh and trust me you don't want to lose her cause you will miss having her around
"Have you met that girl amber " guy 1
"She us famous and is all over the world "guy 2
"Yeah she is amazing traffic light right" guy 3
"She sure is " guy 1+2
When some one is being disrespectful and is a shame because you thought they were better
Person 1 "urg I just got rejected
Person 2'by who
Person 1"noah
Person 2 " how dishameful and anyways it's noah the ugliest person ever no effence lol
Treeish is when there is lot of trees nature and where it basically looks really green
Wow it looks really treeish today
Treeish is when there is a lot of trees and nature and it looks really green.
Wow it looks really treeish outside today
Cody is a boring cheeky mare he is also referd to as nugget and he loves megan
Person 1: have you met that Cody kid
Person 2 : yes he is a very boring cheeky mare