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They jump in the waves

Their beauty astonishing

Acting like dancers

Sleek bodies, fins, tails
Underwater, out again

Swimming through the sea

Dazzled me when I saw
Catching fish their only goal
Took my breath away

Dolphins amaze me.

by Ok hun September 14, 2019

427👍 269👎


Most definitions here say that to be obese is idiotic. In most cases, it’s not. For some people, it’s an eating disorder caused by a wide range of things. Depression, as one example. For others, they don’t have control over their weight. This might be because of medications or an underlying disease. Some people are obese and doing everything that they can short of starving themselves and it still doesn’t work.

Never ever judge an obese person too soon. They may have a legitimate reason. And don’t insult anyone about it. After all, that’s their body, their business.

Judging guy: He’s obese, he must be a lazy retard
Smart guy: Oh please, be a little nicer. You have no idea what his condition is.

by Ok hun September 10, 2019

39👍 22👎


To pollinate is to take the pollen from one flower to another so the pollen can fertilize the flower. The egg inside will grow into a seed, which will then grow. Bees, Butterflies and other insects pollinate-but mostly bees.

Oh look our tree has flowers it’s been pollinated

by Ok hun September 10, 2019

25👍 2👎


To me,

Beauty is like
The rippling sea
Or going on a hike

Looks over mountains

Maybe twinkle fireflies

Flowing fountains

Fresh baked pies
Having success
Wild horses in herds
A brand new dress
My favorite book

Filled with words
Take it to read in a nook
A starry night
The spreading wings
Of an eagles’ flight
Sweet voice sings
In a church with an old stone steeple
And worshiping people

The smell of steaming tea
Sprinkling snow

This wonderful beauty

As I watch from the window

Beauty is not always in a person. So often, we find it in other things.

by Ok hun September 11, 2019

45👍 7👎


To be perfect is to have no faults. No one, and I mean no one, can achieve it. So then my question is...why do we all work so hard for it? Let’s stop with this striving for perfection and instead recognize our problems, and love ourselves. And by that I mean both parts of us, the good and the bad.

How do I become perfect?
It’s not possible. Love yourself just the way you are.

by Ok hun September 28, 2019

24👍 6👎


The faults in a person or thing. Everyone has them, and it’s what makes you unique to yourself. So let’s stop trying to fix them. Let’s embrace and love it.

Love yourself for who you are, despite your imperfections.

by Ok hun September 28, 2019

19👍 1👎


A way to express that something tastes good. I think it can be used as an interjection. Other forms of the word include: yummy, yummiest, yummier

Me: Hey, person, do you like the food?
Person: Yum!!

by Ok hun September 30, 2019

39👍 10👎