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crack pipe

A small clear pipe which is used to smoke the various kinds of crytalized drugs (primarily the uppers such as crack cocaine and crytal meth).
the "rod portion" is generally about 1/2 inch in diameter, and about 2 to 3 inches long (the open end of the rod is obviously the end you "smoke" out of). The "bowl" is about the size of a gumball, is hollow (duh), and has a small hole on top. Your "drug" sits inside the bottom of the bowl, you heat the bottom of the bowl with your lighter or torch (careful not to burn your shit in there!), the crystalized chunk will melt, and there you get your smoke!
For meth, let it cool off and harden back up into a blob first, then reheat it and smoke (Why? ...I don't know... that is what I was told. "THEY" say it is "BAD" for you to smoke it right off ...because obviously it isn't actually "bad" to smoke otherwise. RIGHT. I have NO IDEA if this "rule" applies to crack as well.)
Inhale SLOWLY, but don't hold your breath in once your inhale is complete... just blow it on out. This is NOT smoking weed out of a bong my friend. This is a gentle procedure.
Oh! Roll and/or rock the pipe back and forth under a lighter flame so as not to burn the now liquified substance (with the torch, just gently but quickly shake the flame unber the bowl ...this is just easier, and achieves the same effect).
Also. Clean it regularly (it's easy enough, boil it in a pot of water with your cleanser of choice, scrub the inside with a Q-tip, and rinse well). There is no reason for your drugs to taste skanky and burnt. AND... DO just get rid of the burnt shit at the bottom (you can burn it off with your lighter, but blow out - INTO your pipe, so the smoke goes bye-bye, instead of inhaling (you can also liquify this last nasty bit, and then just stick a damp Q-tip in there and wipe it right off - this method is preferable). Don't be a cheap ass, and just do as I say! If you don't, all your shit will feel and taste crappy ALL THE TIME!
How does one descretely purchase this pipe?
Most headshops have them stored or hidden in a safe place if NOT in plain view. Be sure to ask the attendant for an "essential oil insense burner". I believe this is the term one uses to keep it on the "down low". If the attendant is confused, and you end up in the weed pipe area, try "Ah no.. your 'other ones' *wink-wink* ..you know, the smaller, clear ones...?!?! ...yeah... that's it...thanks".

Have fun... but watch it! It is easy to get hooked!

I'd prefer to smoke the tina rather than snort tonight.
Where's your crack pipe?

by OkayMartin May 21, 2004

354👍 211👎


A lighter which lights with a blue flame and is pressurized (meaning it "shoots out" and will "point" straight out no matter what direction the head of your lighter is facing).
ie: Think of the tool a welder uses to weld metal... only much smaller. ...yah... like that.
Used for normal "lighter" purposes, but well liked by those who smoke their "drug of choice" out of crack pipes.
If you are HARD CORE, you will possess the "ultimate cool" torch.
What is this you ask?!?
A butane soldering iron with the "torch" attachment inserted (as opposed to the "soldering" attachment).
Oh yah.

"Where is my torch! I hate smoking my shit with a regular lighter! ...It SUCKS!"

by OkayMartin May 21, 2004

22👍 27👎


A female dude.

"Hey dudiss!! Get yer ass over here!!"

by OkayMartin June 25, 2004

1👍 3👎


This word is the "mother word" for a kind of "speak" or "dialect" found anywhere among DJ's to surfers.
Think perhaps something akin to 'pig-latin' ...but less strict, and exponentially cooler.
(Also, this is not spoken to act as code... it just is - like, "it's just sickles to talkles this way.")

You may add the -les OR -zles suffix to just about any word you want really.
...So long as it sounds/flows all "perfectles" with the word being altered.
Personally, I think it's cute as hell, but I don't know if the "guyzles" would dig on me saying so (cuz, you know... that's NOT too "coolzles").

Anyhow, "fuckles" is the "mother-word" because as far as I know... it was the first word altered in this fashion.

To say "fuckes" is like: "awe man!" or "awe shit."

What I think is most important to note about this whole speech patern however, is that it is very dead-pan, ...and almost sweet sounding (maybe even a bit defeated??) in tone.
If you were actually REALLY upset about something, and you wanted to express real anger; you would not opt for this manner of speaking. ...You would just say, "AWE SHIT MAN!!!!!!"

I may perhaps also know who IS the "man behind the language."
I certain amateur DJ out of North County in San Diego - I don't recall his "DJ" alias anymore, but I knew him as "Rob" or "Robles" (affectionately!) ...which was short for his full given name; which I will not devulge here. ;)
(Hey, he has the right to stay "anonymules")

-Well, ...I'm "outles"

"Man... I just locked the keyzles in the carzles.

"Well fuckles... I guess I'm just gonna walkles to workles then. ...Latles"

by OkayMartin June 25, 2004

6👍 20👎