Source Code

turnerous leech infestant

Tommo is the host of the rare species of turnerous leech. The Turner clings on to Tom and follows him everywhere he goes in a 'sheep' or 'leech' like manner. In a way The Turner is Tommo's 'Bitch'

"Oh Dear God no! The turnerous leech infestant has set upon me... Argh Christ on a bike !!!"

by Old boy George May 9, 2003

moh moh

Moh Moh is Mohammad Mohseni the world famous Mathematics Professor. He is renoun for his inability to teach and his inability to control a single student, let alone a whole class

"We love our Moh Moh, Mohammad Mohseni, captain turdseye ..... "

by Old boy George May 9, 2003

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