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(New Turkish "1930's-") afgan: Afghan; person who comes from Afghanistan or a descendant of these people. < (New Ottoman "1830's-1920's") افغان afgan. < (Persian) افغان afgân: people living in the mountainous regions between Kandahar and the Indus river for a long time.

(1) Cannabis which comes from Afghanistan; the Afghan cannabis; the Afghan marijuana.
(2) Marijuana in general, (slng.) Afgani Indica.

Orada otururken 'Afgan' adını verdikleri bir tür esrarı içmeye başladılar. || While they were sitting there, they started smokin' a type of weed they called 'Afghan'.

by OldbutGoldPenny April 26, 2021


(New Turkish "1930's-") abla: sister; skin and blister. < (Classical Ottoman Turkish "1450's-1830's") آبلا âblâ: sister. < (Old Turkish "700's-1000's") آبا apa: big sister; mother; granny.

(1) Female teacher who gives higher marks.
(2) Old prostitute who works at brothel, (slng.) Bottom Bitch.
(3) Homosexual woman who plays active role during sex; Older homosexual woman.
(4) The name given to the women working under the Fethullah Gülen movement, an Islamic religious movement.

(1) Sınav gününe yaklaştıkça okulumuzun ablalarını hoş tutuyorduk || We were keepin' the big sisters of our school sweet, as we get closer to the exam day.
(2) Odada işler uzayınca abla seslendi, "Henüz bitirmedin mi, müşteriler bekliyor?" || When things got longer in the room, the sister called out, "Are you not done yet, customers are waiting?"
(3) LGBTİ+ bireyler konuşmalarında "abla" kelimesini argo bir ifade olarak kullanırlar || LGBTI+ individuals use "sister" word as a slang during their speech.
(4) Bu öğrenciler 11 ve 12 yaşlarına gelip Fethullah Gülen'in konuşmalarından ve kitaplarından hareketle ilgili her şeyi öğrendikten sonra "abi" ya da "abla" olmaya terfi ediyorlar || Once those students get to years 11 and 12 and have learned everything about their religion from Fethullah Gülen's speeches and books, they are then promoted to becoming a "brother" or "sister".

by OldbutGoldPenny April 22, 2021

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Etymology: English "medicinal": tending or used to cure disease or relieve pain. < French "médicine": medicine; cure. < Latin "mĕdĭcīna": art and practice of medicine, medicine in general meaning; treatment; remedy, cure.

1 Marijuana in Turkish slang.

Take a puff from our medicinal, nothing will be left

by OldbutGoldPenny July 7, 2021