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smuggling ham

When a female and male have sex, and the sperm-filled condom comes off of the man's penis and remains inside the woman's vagina. This forces her to then walk to the bathroom and remove it with her fingers. The resulting mess is a lot like a ham: slimey, full of protein, leaves you worried about getting big in the middle, and it involves an object at the center referred to as a "bone".

Mike and Tina were going at it reverse-cowboy in Jason's apartment, and he tried to pull off using Magnums on his meat stick. They were too big, and he slipped a rubber about 4 minutes in and Tina was smuggling ham to the bathroom. I saw her 8 days ago buying pregnancy tests at the pharmacy and she was already looking a little more poochey than usual. Wonder if it's triplets?

by Ole Skool 74 November 29, 2011

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