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A small, podunk town in the Upstate of South Carolina full of incestuous rednecks, drunks, child molesters, common criminals, meth heads, welfare cases, and generally the lowest rung of life as we know it on Earth...It has 97 people per the Census and most are related. There are two millionaires who live in the town whose family formerly owned the mills that once dominated the local economy when the town had nearly 10x the population...and they grossly inflate all income statistics. Never drive through it with plates other than SC...the cops will cornhole you and send your car to a chop shop. They go through a new Police Chief every year due to corruption. Once considered as a target range by the Air Force due to its close proximity to Donaldson Center, it would be put to better use that way.

The other day we drove through Pelzer with our windows up but we still smelled the turds a homeless man was eating off the ground.

"Dude, you're through Pelzer? Are you high?"
"Nope, just looking to score a rock over yonder in Pelzer"
"Well Pelzer's the right place."

More social services and domestic dispute police calls per capita are to Pelzer than any other municipality in the area.

by Olive Vaggs June 20, 2011

28👍 24👎