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Similar to sleep apnea accept the source of you not being able to breathe/waking up... is your cat parking their butt on your face.

Apparently it's a really comfortable napping position.

I woke up gasping for air, thinking my sleep apnea was acting up again. But no. It was just Garfield's vibrating butt on my face, purring. I'm calling it catnapnea.

by Olive989 March 8, 2023


An underdog who people may or may not root for, but who still beats the odds anyway.

Once upon a time, Dave kicked Goliath's ass. Now he crunches numbers at Goldman and Sachs.

by Olive989 January 15, 2021

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Vertical Lips

While horizontal lips refer to the lips on a person's face, vertical lips refer to a woman's labia.

Person A: "I want to kiss your lips."

Person B: "Horizontal? Or vertical lips?"

by Olive989 March 4, 2023

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(1.) The pursuit we owe to ourselves and the world.

Everyone is a prisoner of something. Current physical circumstances. Past trauma. A limit of belief or imagination. An insecurity. A lie we believe. A truth we ignore. A fear of failure. A voice in our heads that dictates what we can and cannot do. Expectations of family or society. Disability. Chronic Illness. Addiction. Grief. Shame. A general world weariness or exhaustion. A locked idea that the world we've known is the only world there is, or ever could be.

We praise the P.O.W. who escapes an enemy/internment camp. We praise the addict who escapes their addiction and chooses sobriety. But in so many other contexts escape is considered juvenile, a product of weakness or immaturity. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

(2.) To imagine something better for yourself or the world in a fictional setting, until you have the courage or ability to make it real.

No P.O.W. escapes an internment camp without imagining a vision of freedom powerful enough it spits in the face of their current tortured and starved reality. Equally so, an addict who imagines a reality in which they are sober, is often imagining something they think is impossible.

Escape gives us permission to think limitlessly, even when we think everything in our life limits us. Because it doesn't ask what's likely or possible, or what the odds are. It just asks, "What would your reality look like if you had it your Way?"

Nobody who ever dared to dream the impossible, and made it real, started off thinking it could happen.

Escape is the birthplace of the things we dare to dream.

by Olive989 March 10, 2023

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South Star

The opposite of a North Star. Anything that guides you away from your goals, life purpose, or the best that is in you. It could be addiction or bad habits. It could be the wrong people. It could be hanging on to false or malignant hopes. Whatever it is, it will make your life go south. (Pun intended).

If you follow your south star, your life's natural trajectory is downward.

by Olive989 March 4, 2023

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Puff the Magic Dragon

An asthmatic baby dragon that wheezes small puffs of fire. Just wants to make friends, but ends up accidently burning stuff down, when he forgets his inhaler. The last time was at a furniture store. His friend was really looking forward to that sofa set. It was so soft before it was crispy.

Puff the magic dragon is seriously over having asthma.

Puff the magic dragon wishes he got his name listening to Bob Marley and smoking a bowl instead. He thinks that sounds nice.

by Olive989 March 2, 2023

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(1.) Strength in the face of overwhelming odds. A byproduct of the belief that there is something better out there. Something worth hoping for...in this life or the next.

(2.) The ability to consider the motivations of other people, and not just the content of what they say or do (good or bad).

(1). Many people who lack resilience are not "weak". They are just lost. I know what it is to be lost.

(2). When insulted or flattered, many people get lost in their self-consciousness or only consider the content of what is said. Considering why people speak and act the way they do is far more important and shields you from a lot of harm and unwise decisions. This creates a form of resilience.

by Olive989 May 6, 2024