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Death Metal

Death Metal is probally one of the most unknown and unpopular genre's there is today, even though it is very hard to play and requires immense skill. The solo's are usually very high pitched and are fairly common. Bassist's play a big part in death metal and are usually extremely skilled. e.g alex webster of cannibal corpse. Most metal fans that dont like Death metal are usually dickheads who have never sat down and listened to the genre throughly before. Lyrics span from crazy gore and horror to politics to stuff about satan and the devil. Some people say that Death Metal is a bunch of noise, they are cunts who cant listen to music properly because even though the usually low vocals may make it sound like a mash of music it is really not!

may i mention i am only 13 and death metal is my favourite genre which may surprise some of you old-school death metallers who think death metal is nearly dead, which i hope it isnt! My favourite Death Metal bands are Cannibal Corpse, In Flames, At The Gates, Deicide, Carcass and six feet under

by Ollie G June 26, 2007

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