Glasspilling is an act similar to redpilling but unlike redpilling, it is the act of empathizing with a party's opposing perceptions and positions on a topic where all parties differ in opinion causing a feeling of internal conflict. The pill isn't red, blue, or any color which represents the conflicted empty feeling one may feel after empathizing with multiple opposing positions.
Version 1: Iâm gonna take the Glasspill and say I empathize with Sally on why she wanted to kill John, but I also empathize with John on why he wanted to kill Sally and I canât entirely agree with it.
Version 2: I understand why white people are afraid of black people but also understand why black people hate white people. Both positions are valid in my eyes; I can't agree or disagree with either position. I'm glass pilled.
A polyperite is a professional who is highly skilled at multiple things.
I win awards for my films, I win awards for my music, I win cups for my sports, I build websites, shoot videos, speak English, French, Spanish, Sign language and do your taxes. I'm not just a filmmaker, I'm not just a music artist, I'm not just a web designer nor a tax man. I'm all of them, I'm a polyperite.