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Is the concept of gender empowerment based on the belief that the earth mother ( Gaea) is a living breathing being that sustains life and is spiritually connected to all plants, animal and human (non-human) life forms inhabiting the earth. Womanity is the realization that in a woman's form is the form of this mother earth and thus the end of all the old beliefs about women who practiced herbal medicine and were spiritually connected to her and able to through their inherent mother daughter connection gain access to her healing powers. Thus womanity is the rise of woman's identity as the bringer of life and her role as the ones who will ultimately rid this earth of all it's conflicts.

From a spiritual perspective it is the very real bond that exists between mother and child that exists between the earth's inhabitants and the earth itself, as a further evolution, womanity is where the Vatican recognizes that women have just as much right as men to be the head of their congregation and thus will enable a woman to head the Vatican as a "Popess"

womanity is where the Vatican recognizes that women have just as much right as men to be the head of their congregation and thus will enable a woman to head the Vatican as a "Popess"
to see the end of human stupidity and the beginning of womanity as a new beginning for women to take their rightful place on earth.
It is the concept of womanity that will ultimately help in ending world conflict.

Womanity is the realization that in a woman's form is the form of this mother earth,Thus womanity is the rise of woman's identity as the bringer of life and her role as the one who will ultimately rid this earth of all it's conflicts.

by Omar Haleem November 10, 2011

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