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YAA - Yet another asshole

Douchebag dates your sister and is completely phony...Instead of saying hi to him say "YAA!"

by On parole January 22, 2017

6👍 15👎


Fake friends put in to your life by government spies like COINTELPRO

New buddy mirrors your personality and sucks up to your interests then becomes nosy and influencing, most likely a fake Frankenfriend.

by On parole April 5, 2017


pronounced "fovpuh" as in Fuck Off Fake Person.
When a street theatre asshole or mindfuck minion or gangstalking goon or government social weirdo does or says something WEIRD to you, you put your hand up in a open hand 'stop' form and politely say "FOFP". Best done when wearing a redbubble t-shirt describing your current complaint, for the video records.

Weirdo: You look like the presidents wife and would you like the Queen's chair and here take my shopping buggy.
You: "FOFP"

by On parole June 7, 2017

Fuckover Olympics

When you find your life has been destroyed piece by piece by political hate crime.

After I filed a human rights complaint at work, the political class put me in the Fuckover Olympics and I lost my job, home, health and happiness.

by On parole November 4, 2017