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A Fat, Irish Drunk, With hilarious stories about almost dying, getting wasted, and a creepy little girl that haunts his house.

Person #1: Guy there was a this one time I got totally wasted and end up at the back of a truck driving 120km/h with a chainsaw and a 24 pack of beer,Then the next day I went on a rollercoaster that went upside down but my strap wouldn't fasten so i almost fell out but I got it on at the last second, then I had a dream about a creepy girl and she was creeping around my room and my face skin was peeling off, so I woke up with pickachu's severed head hanging in front of my face. So I read a book exept I was too drunk, So when I sobered up I don't know how the fuck I got to the end of the book. Then I remembered this is why.

Person #2: You are one crazy bastard Nick, Kokanee for everyone!

by One Sneaky Bastard August 23, 2008

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