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assholeberger's syndrome

a newly discovered syndrome where a person, usually an obnoxious male, shares similar symptoms to asperger's but lacks intelligence altogether, let alone more pronounced intelligence, canceling out the possibility of asperger's syndrome altogether; antisocial, negative, critical, asshole-type behavior

Joze Bollzineurazz: Dude, your father's a stupid prick. I think he's got asperger's syndrome.

James D'Kinyamouf: No dude. He's a dumb fuck. He's got assholeberger's syndrome.

Joze Bollzineurazz: Cut the bullshit already and pass that blunt.

James D'Kinyamouf: Please don't hurt me.

Joze Bollzineurazz: White bitch.

James D'Kinyamouf: Ouch! My butt.

by One cool motherfucker I am January 1, 2011

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