A intense feeling of hatred and animosity; viewing the object of your hostility as being your sworn enemy for life.
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15
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Something or someone who affects the course of events or the nature of things. Someone or something significant, vaulable, and meaningful.
Computerized voice: "Your call is important to us, please stand by, an operator will be with you in a moment...(switches to annoying music)".
102π 41π
What a shaman does to bring back a lost part of the soul. Involves spiritually traveling to the other world and locating and coxing the soul back.
Sandra is a shaman who practices soul retrieval.
30π 11π
A utopia for parrots. A place for our fine feathered friends to live and play happily without the threat of predators, starvation, abuse, or neglect. Has plenty of interesting toys, perches, next boxes, fresh veggies and seed sprouts, everything a parrot could want. (Inducing companionship of course!)
Peter's Paradise is a Parrotopia for Parakeets.
16π 4π
To be under the influence of drugs. To be high as a kite.
Lucy often went to work all lit up on hillbilly heroin because she couldn't stand her job.
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The worship of the Norse God Odin; someone who is primarily dedicated to Odin. Can sometimes, but not always, be used interchangeably with Asatru and Heathen. Odinism is a polytheistic religion; even though the focus is often on Odin, other of the Aesir and Vanir are somerimes worshiped as well. It is not a Neo-Pagan or New Age religion. Odinism is an ancient indigenous religion of Northern Europe that predates more well known religions as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism; and Islam and Christianity who are but mere babies in contrast.
There are Asatruar and Odinists who feel that they are the same religion, while many others who feel that Asatru and Odinism have distinct differences.
109π 23π
To leave lasting signs of damage on. A mark of past injury.
A abusive childhood left his psyche scarred for life.
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