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I don't like you in that way

A nice girl’s way of trying to spare your male fragile ego instead of saying flat out that they don’t like you and probably want you to leave them alone.

Nice Guy: So do you like want to go on a date with me friday night? *man I really want a piece of that ass*

Nice Girl: I'm sorry Charlie, I don't like you in that way.
*This guy is creepy, I don't want to offend him, he might turn into one of those stalkers.*

by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006

196👍 108👎


One of Odin's two ravens. Munin is Memory. See Thought and Memory.

The whole world wide, every day,
Fly Hugin and Munin;
I worry lest Hugin should fall in flight,
Yet more I fear for Munin.

by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006

27👍 11👎


A feeling of deep anger and resentment. Bitterness is an emotion which encompasses both anger and hate, often people who are bitter appear to the world as just going around pissed off at everyone and everything. However bitterness is often a result of some past event which has hurt, scarred and jaded the person.

Mary let her bitterness she felt towards her family consume her.

by OneBadAsp November 4, 2006

399👍 85👎


All there is.

This is a flexable term, which once was used for what we now call the solar system. Later, it was used for what we call the Milky Way. Now it is used for the sum total of all the galaxies, of which appears to be about ten billion of them.

The more we learn, the larger our universe seems to get.

by OneBadAsp October 20, 2006

237👍 42👎


A slave kept as livestock in the Viking age.

"They'll burn you up and char you well, and put your feet on the road to Hel. They'll put your ashes in the ground and then they'll raise up a great big mound. And when your names in Runes on a stone...they'll slay a thrall so you won't be alone!"

by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006

80👍 28👎


Having characteristics regressing to a more primitive type; resembling a distant ancestor. A evolutionary throwback.

The atavistic dew claw in many dog breeds is a simple example of a genetic throwback to an earler stage of dog evolution.

An atavistic example in humans is when babies are born with true tails.

by OneBadAsp November 2, 2006

39👍 12👎

Black Mead

An alcoholic drink. When Mead is brewed with black currants it is called black mead.

Scarlett had never tasted black mead before.

by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006

15👍 5👎