1. A term in Asatru. "Seeress". Whether a practitioner of Galdr or Seid, this term designates a female diviner.
2. A character in Stargate SG-1. Vala Mal Doran is a theif, con-artist and recently a memeber of SG-1. She is played by Claudia Black.
1. Raven is a vala, she practices seid.
2. Vala gave birth to Adria who is an Ori in the flesh and is hellbent on converting everyone over to Origin (or killing them).
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Creating sculptures out of living trees by encouraging them to grow in certain ways that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
I have seen some beautiful examples of arborsculpture.
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Plutocracy is the rule by the super-rich international capitalists and their retainers; the press, office holders, spies and thugs. In a plutocracy the middle class is controlled though taxation, low-cost imports (free trade) and corrupt politicians and in a communist system the middle class is exterminated. The perfect plutocracy consists of two classes onlyâthe plutocrats and their overseers and the subsistence-level poor. The degree of economic inequality is staggering as is the low level of social mobility.
Although the word plutocracy has disappeared from some modern dictionaries, as if it no longer exists, it is in fact the only name to correctly describe many modern governments.
237👍 52👎
An alcoholic coffee drink made with Irish Whiskey.
How to make:
Warm a 8-oz thick goblet by rinsing it in very hot or boiling water. Pour fresh coffee (about 5 to 6. oz) and whiskey (about 2 oz.) into goblet. Add sugar, stiring until dissolved, then add a generous dab of whipped cream.
You'd be suprised how many bartenders don't know how to make Irish Coffee.
27👍 5👎
The Grim Reaper is Death with a capital D. He is perhaps the most recognized entity of all time, neither ghost nor god; the Grim Reaper is a psychopomp whoâs job is to conduct the souls of the recently dead into the afterlife. He is often depicted as a tall pale skeletal figure shrouded in a long, dark, black hooded cloak wielding a scythe which he uses to harvest souls with, although some accounts say he just touches the person to pop their soul so they donât feel pain when they die. When he moves, he seemingly glides rather than walking. The Grim Reaper is known for not saying much, always having a grin on his face, and of course being the main focus of attention in whatever room he is in. He is able to turn his head completely around a la Linda Blair so that he can survey his domain; The Reaper must be vigilant lest someone try to cheat him.
He rides in a rickety old coach drawn by white horses that makes a god awful noise due to the stones he carries in it. When he takes someoneâs soul, he drops off a stone. The Grim Reaper is not an omnipresent personification of death in charge of the entire world, but rather each area has their own Grim Reaper who serves as the Grim Reaper of the area until such a time as they find a replacement.
Decorations of him haunt tombs and graves, often with the engraving of âRich Man, Poor Man, Beggar and Thiefâ¦You will one day be were I am.â In some artwork the Grim Reaper is portrayed locked in embrace of Life (often pictured as a young woman.) The point is that life and death are connected and that life is as fleeting as the sweet bloom of youth.
The origins of the Grim Reaper go back far into the past and he was known by many names. In old Celtic folklore he was known as LâAnkou, sometimes called Father Time. To the Greeks he was known as Cronus and the Romans called him Saturn.
The Grim Reaper can teach us much. He serves as a reminder that life is short and to make the best of every day (eat dessert first and dance now), to cut away the dead wood and move ahead. The Grim Reaper also reminds us to care for out dearly departed. Go to the cemetery and care and lovelying tend a grave; go to a funernal and speak. Remember those you miss, however painful.
You can be a king or street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper.
1959👍 338👎
A movement supporting the use of reason, science and technology to advance and enhance human abilities and existence under optimal conditions. Can be see as an extension of humanism, but with much more emphasis on the future. Transhumanists believe that we should try to overcome our biological limitations thru the use of such things as nanotechnology, cryonics, AI, mind uploading, space-time engineering, eugenics, and what not in order to become posthuman.
The goal of transhumanism to become more than human.
174👍 32👎
What someone experiences when reading some guyâs definition of how much he resents his ex-wife!
Real pain and suffering is what you go though when someone you love dies a horrible and untimely death for example. And when you lose the ability to work or live a normal life because your pain, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental is so great that you cannot function.
Hank drank whiskey to ease the pain and suffering he felt after he lost the person he loved most in life.
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