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"I never saw that abbreviation before."

Used when you encounter some Internet acronym, especially if you can discern what it means even though you never saw it before.

person 1: iswydt

person 2: instab

1: huh?

2: You're using shorthand for that insipid phrase "I see what you did there." I saw what you did there even though I hadn't seen that abbreviation before.

1: huh?

2: instab means "I never saw that abbreviation before."

by Onomarchus December 7, 2006

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"I never saw that abbreviation before."

Used when you encounter some Internet acronym, especially if you can discern what it means even though you never saw it before.

person 1: iswydt

person 2: instab

1: huh?

2: You're using shorthand for that insipid phrase "I see what you did there." I saw what you did there even though I hadn't seen that abbreviation before.

1: huh?

2: instab means "I never saw that abbreviation before."

by Onomarchus December 9, 2006