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Main Line School of Rock

If you go here, you’re either gay or depressed. Most likely both.

Everyone is addicted to vaping.

The teachers and directors are great, the kids are questionable at best.

Let’s be real, the music is mediocre. Every now and again you get an absolute banger but cmon, don’t kid yourself. There’s always at least one song that’s inconspicuously placed in the middle of set one, hidden amongst the decent ones. You know which one.

But if nothing else, main line is better than downingtown. It’s honestly shocking they did bass gods before us.

Wow you go to main line school of rock? You’re so cool!

by Oopdoopoop May 27, 2021


T/E Middle School... what a place. You start off happy and healthy. You leave mid-emo phase, unknowingly about to get addicted to vaping.

The girls are irritating and weirdly sporty. The boys are straight up dicks, and not the good kind. Everyone is at least mildly depressed.

But don’t worry, things only get worse in Conestoga.

The Urban Dictionary page for TEMS has been empty for so long. I thought I might as well fix that. There’s something already for T/E Middle though.

See T/E Middle, it’s a very accurate description of tems

by Oopdoopoop May 27, 2021

Lossiemouth high school

A school in Lossiemouth filled with either stupid or depressed kids and horrible teachers who barely know anything about their subject.

You go to Lossiemouth high school? What a loser.

by Oopdoopoop September 1, 2020

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