A groundbreaking film released in 1999. Facing hard competition from Star Wars: Episode I, which opened the same season, it was a surprise hit, and a perfect combination of story and action/visual effects. The original film was somewhat devalued by the sub-par sequels, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. Recently, all three films were released in a 10-disc box set.
Warner Home Video has just announced that, in addition to the 10-disc "Ultimate Matrix Collection", they will soon be releasing a "SuperDeluxe Ultimate Matrix Collection, consisting of 128 DVDs, which dissect every frame of all three films. Each film has 32 commentary tracks, from writers/directors Wachowski Brothers to James Mager, the catering assistant for the films. In addition, each disc will be hand-signed by Keanu Reeves and the Wachowski Brothers. The set will also include a life-sized Sentinel figure.
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