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The year of Generation Z.

The first Gen Z’ers come of age at 24 years old and the others soon follow.

I’m a Millennial but I hate these young bastards. They have no morals and ethics and they are also the most spoiled and dependent on Technology. 2021 is not such a good year. Just my (unwanted) opinion.

by Osama Obamason, Jr. August 19, 2021

3👍 1👎

IC 1101

The largest galaxy in the observable universe. It has a mass of about 100 trillion stars. Making it roughly 250-500 times larger than our own Milky Way galaxy!

The observable universe is only about 0.25% of the whole universe, also. So there may be even bigger undiscovered galaxies out there.

If you were to live in an Earthlike world around IC 1101, there would be approx. 250 stars in the Nightsky there, for every one star that you’d see at night here on Earth. That’s a whole lot of stars!

by Osama Obamason, Jr. December 14, 2020

5👍 5👎

Personality Database

Worst typology website ever. Half of the people that go on it are assholes. I’ve actually met more helpful people on Personality Cafe, and they were also a lot more informed. People on Personality Database don’t even have the slightest understanding of Typology whatsoever, even/especially Socionics. When I need help with Socionics I go to Personality Cafe instead because the people there are a lot more informed on the matter.

I have surprisingly not ever met anyone on Personality Database who understood socionics at all.

It’s filled with n00bs and trolls. Most miserable typology website I’ve ever been to. A lot of the members on this website like starting shit with you for no reason. See: troll. And a lot of them seem mentally ill. And the website will act like YOU are the one who is the problem, and is very passive-aggressive.

People on this website are such elitist assholes that they will tell you to delete your account and/or leave the website and go somewhere else. They are also shit-stirrers and will start arguments with you just for the sake of it. I would say don’t even bother with the shithead people of this website; I think that all they will do is feed off you.

Also, the Administrator is very incompetent and oblivious. He doesn’t seem to care about what goes on his website, as long as it has a lot of traffic. Talk about a very lousy community…

Personality Database is just a bunch of nerds and trolls. In my opinion, the website is very unprofessional…The Internet has never been so horrible.

by Osama Obamason, Jr. September 3, 2021

46👍 19👎