Source Code


1. the branch of chemistry which deals with the chemical reaction of balloons or bloons, esp. to make special effects and the production of bloonoluminescence.

2. the chemistry of balloons or bloons, esp. used to make special effects.

"So doing some bloonochemistry can be a dangerous experiment, but I think I could make the perfect balloon in all of history."

by Otheruser325 March 14, 2023

Dog litter

Adjective (Slang)

Dogwater, wasteful or untrustworthy.

Noun (Slang)

A wasteful, untrustworthy or dogwater person or thing. Also called Dog trash.

"That weapon in Fortnite is pretty dog litter."

"Roblox is such a dog litter since it's just not worth playing in the 2020s."

by Otheruser325 January 21, 2023

Imp Pear

1. a plant from Plants vs. Zombies which is free to place down, but can transform a Zombie into an Imp Zombies when eaten, and instantly kills Imps when they eat it, releasing stunning gas on contact.

"Imp Pear is such a broken plant because it just has a super fast recharge and it's just toxic for the Zombies to try and defeat you when you spam-cycle it."

by Otheruser325 April 2, 2023


(esp. in bloonochemistry) having the exact colour of a balloon or bloon. Bloonochromatic balloons/bloons can also describe the colour of the initial layer of a balloon/bloon, esp. in Bloons TD games.

"So if I popped a Pink Bloon down with a dart, it would be a Yellow Bloon since the layer is always bloonochromatic which excludes Rainbow, Ceramic, Lead and Zebra bloons."

by Otheruser325 March 21, 2023


A Bloons TD Battles mod which adds TONs of new Battle Cards in Card Battles so as adding some custom new Towers and some returning ones from BTD6 (e.g. Druid Monkey).

Player185: "You wanna play some XtraCards?"
Player380: "Sure, why not? I hope it's amazingly good and vivacious at the same time bro."

by Otheruser325 January 15, 2023


1. in a bloonicious manner.
2. (slang) amazingly or awesomely.

"Playing some BTD games like Bloons TD 6 blooniciously, but definitely addictive and fun!"

"I was a blooniciously cool kid back in my golden days."

by Otheruser325 January 22, 2023


(esp. Bloons Gaming) balloons/bloons which are fortified by esp. duel heavy metal bars, to gain them extra protection from sharp objects. Bloonofortification is found to be very common in Bloons TD 6 or Bloons TD Battles 2 because of the bonus hitpoints certain bloon types can give.

AverageBloonsPerson: "I don't know what bloonofortification is, even though I played a lot of Bloons TD 6."
Real Other User: "It means that Lead Bloons, Ceramic Bloons and MOAB class bloons have bloonofortification, or colloquially Fortified Bloons because it's just a new bloon property."

by Otheruser325 March 21, 2023