The high quality definition of HD television, actually shows the outline of the actors genitalia.
I hate this HD TV, you can see everything from the acne on their face to their digitalia.
The result of your early morning bare foot finding the still warm, frothy slime puddle that your cat has deposited in your carpet the night before.
My shoe smelled all day at work because I didn't have time to clean off my foamyfoot thanks to Felix!
The motion made with one's own arm imitating a male masterbating to show a complete lack of interest or respect to someone talking.
I was standing behind my boss air-jacking while he was yelling at everyone in the meeting.
The southern styled removal of a drunkard or loudmouth.
If that loud mouth doesn't shut his pie hole he's going to get a rectalectomy. (Asshole removal)
Throwing up gang signs in the hood.
The gang banger got thrown out of the Circle K for splayin afrological symbols.
Writing not quite meeting the requirements to be a pamphlet but not to be considered literature either.
Those damn Mohovahs left their pamperature in our door again.
During doggie style sex , when the girl gyrates her pelvic area around while backed into her man.
I was doing her doggie and she told me to stop thrusting with my dick still in her. Then she started twat twerking on my cock.