A device designed to improve indoor air quality by removing contaminants in the air.
Person 1: Dude, you broke your air purifier.
Jack: I thought I had to purify it.
A mobile heart monitoring service that enable care personnel to receive the ECG of heart patients via the mobile network.
Mr. Heart, please step out of the circulatory system and donât try to run, because I have my BodyKom on.
A medical device or cushion designed to help maintain proper positioning and alignment of the legs, particularly after certain types of surgery or to prevent hip joint contractures in individuals with limited mobility.
Surgeon 1: Be careful, you know what happened last time
Surgeon 2: I know, but this time I will not destroy the abductor wedge again
A brand of video laryngoscope, a medical device used by healthcare professionals for intubation procedures.
Surgeon 1: First day?
Surgeon 2: Yeah, let me just put the Airtraq in and-
Surgeon 1: WRONG HOLE!!!
An iron arsenic sulfide with a chemical composition of FeAsS.
Miner: I think I find some Arsenopyrite
A long spout, was used in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to moisten the air for a sufferer of bronchitis, and was considered to make it easier to breathe for the patient.
A bronchitis kettle is better than the bronchial blocker.
A medical device worn during treatment and recovery of a variety of foot injuries.
Cowboy, more like handicapped-boy⦠I should stfu and do a better boot joke or something.