Source Code

Barnes and Noble Restroom

A restroom where you walk in and there’s this guy in there on the phone talking about eating a Starbucks sandwich while on the toilet, so you cough to let him know your in there and he hangs up but then immediately answers another phone call (which kind of defeats the purpose but whatever) and says “hey is Richie still in jail? Can they trace it back to me” and the girl on the phone says “how the fuck should I know Jared?” And he says “I remember our history together how do I know I can trust you” and she says “I’m a lot of things Jared but a liar isn’t one of them” and he says “I CANT GO BACK TO JAIL” and then you just give up and slowly back out of the restroom

“Hey Ben I heard a lot of commotion go on in the Barnes and Noble Restroom are you ok?” “Yeah I’m fine I found a Starbucks sandwich in there so I’m no longer hungry”

by Overlord of Ducks April 6, 2021

Los Angeles Left Hand Turn Signal

When your in a left lane at an intersection and right as the light turns red you slam the gas pedal and honk your horn so traffic knows your coming.

Damn it Dave that guy did a Los Angeles Left Hand Turn Signal and nearly cut me off.

by Overlord of Ducks April 1, 2021